Summary: If for some reason iMovie/FCE refused accepting your Nikon D610 H.264 MOV files, the best workaround is transcoding Nikon D610 footage to Apple InterMediate Codec (AIC), iMovie/FCE’s favorite editing codec, which iMovie/FCE recognizes and handles quite well.
I couldn’t open Nikon D610 MOV video in iMovie’11, please help!
“I had a couple of files that I shot on my Nikon D610 that wouldn’t open using Apple iMovie’11. There were H.264 MOV but got screwed up somehow in the transfer and wouldn’t open. The video was a memorial for a dear friend who died suddenly in a traffic accident. I was recording it to send to his friends who couldn’t come to Paris. Before this, I need to do some basic editing on the D610 files in Apple iMovie. Can anyone tell me what should I do to make iMovie recognize Nikon D610 MOV files as import? Many thanks for your help.”
If for some reason iMovie/FCE refused accepting your Nikon D610 H.264 MOV files, the best workaround is transcoding Nikon D610 footage to Apple InterMediate Codec (AIC), iMovie/FCE’s favorite editing codec, which iMovie/FCE recognizes and handles quite well. To process D610 MOV to AIC MOV Conversion, you can give our video converter for Mac a shot. It is a smart choice for people who are looking for a converter to convert Nikon D610 files for use in iMovie/FCE, FCP, Avid, Premiere Pro and more.
Download a free trial of Video Converter for Mac
How to change Nikon D610 H.264 MOV to AIC for iMovie/FCE?
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Open up our Video Converter as a Nikon D610 Video to QuickTime Converter for Mac. When its main interface comes up, click ‘Add File’ to load your source media into it.
Step 2: From ‘Profile’ list, choose ‘Apple InterMediate Codec (AIC)(*.mov)’ as output format under ‘iMovie and Final Cut Express’ column.
Important: If you’ve loaded a number of video clips to do batch conversion, please do remember ticking off ‘Apply to All’ option before you start.
Step 3: Custom video and audio settings (optional)
If necessary, you can click ‘Settings’ button and go to ‘Profiles Settings’ panel to modify video and audio settings like video encoder, resolution, video bit rate, frame rate, aspect ratio, audio encoder, sample rate, audio bit rate, and audio channels. 3D settings are also available.
Step 4: Begin Nikon D610 H.264 MOV to iMovie/FCE AIC conversion
When ready, click ‘Convert’ to start format conversion. Once the conversion process is complete, click ‘Open Folder’ button to get the generated AIC MOV files for editing with iMovie’11/9/8 or Final Cut Express.
If you don’t want to wait for theentire conversion process, you can tick off ‘Showdown computer when conversion completed’ and go away to do other things.
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